Thursday, January 20, 2011

Enchiladas and crispy-rice treats

Yesterday, I was scheduled to leave work early.  It was awesome riding my bike through the city while it was still LIGHT OUT.  I didn't even get rained on.

What did I do with my free time?  Well, I visited the Texan at his bike shop, drank a beer on an empty stomach, and went to the grocery store.

I also made enchiladas out of leftovers.   Made browned-butter rice crispy treats from this recipe: Best rice krispie squares (which I then drizzled with melted chocolate, because I'm awesome like that). Then I took a bath. And that was also amazing too.   I'd say it was a pretty good evening overall.

Enchilada sauce was on sale at the QFC.  I filled them with a mix of rice and beans and kinda some vegetables that were left over.  Delicious.

My roommates kept coming into the kitchen and asking excitedly "Are you making rice crispy treats?!?"  Then they'd steal marshmallows.

The recipe was simple and awesome (see link above)  I have a million pounds of chocolate chips in my pantry, so I melted them up and dumped them on top. 

Horrible picture, but these were SO GOOD.  The browned butter recipe is genius. The squares end up tasting caramely!

So, the big Seattle Boat Show starts TOMORROW.  I'm in booth 1130, or was it 1113?   Crap. I'm over there, with all the books.  All week long.  Come visit?

1 comment:

  1. I'd come visit if I were in town :D

    Yum.. those rice krispie things are yummy.. I wants some!
